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Monday, March 30, 2009

This is my first post on my own blog. Ever. Why am I doing this? I have no idea at but, "nothing ventured, nothing gained" is the saying, so I'll start this and see where this takes me.

First, though, a bit about me. I'm a 32, male, married, unemployed attorney with six kids. I live in New York, originally from Philadelphia (still on a World Series high), and despite the hometown pride would never move back there.

I have a day school background, yeshiva in Israel - Hip, Hip Sha'arei - and identify myself as semi-chassidish 0r "chassidic-lite." I'm more conservative than not but see things in shades of gray, rather than black-and-white, and I constantly have to reconcile personal and religious viewpoints...we'll get to these things later.

Anyway....that's it for an opening.