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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Getting ready for Pesach, all the last minute preparations. For most people that means, shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc...For me? It means babysitting the kids so my wife can get to the hospital to spend time with the other kids. I enjoy babysitting. I get to see a side of my children that I don't get to see when my wife is present. I find they are much better behaved when I am home without her.

In general, I am told, children behave worse when the primary caregiver is present and apparently my family is no exception.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Leaps of faith

I've never been much of a risk taker, prefering the comfort and security of a steady pay check to the thrill and unknown of venturing out on my own. But, at the end of the day, that gets you no where except working at the whim and will of an employer. Perhaps it is time to start out on my own? An interesting opportunity came up and I'm grappling with myself as to whether or not to grasp it and see where it leads. It would mean I'd be practicing law in an area I know nothing, nothing, about with little to no oversight/backup or whom to go to should questions arise. But, it also means I have a chance to develope my own practice with a steady, guaranteed, client to start.

Should I take the leap? Play it safe and keep looking? Try to do both?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So, being unemployed has its' good features and upsides as well. I have more opportunities to go to the gym, help my wife around the house, daven with a minyan for mincha, start a blog, and search for a new job. I should learn some more, but have not yet grasped that opportunity.....and hoping I don't have to.

So yesterday I had interviews in Queens and Long Island.....we shall see. In the meantime I'm doing some work for private clients, and thinking/toying with the idea of really starting my own firm, at least on the side until I find something. But, I have the opportunity to do it full time as well as a client is offering me steady full-time work. Problem is I really, truly, don't want my the headaches and hassles of starting my own firm.

Getting ready for Pesach, baseball season starts and my fantasy team is ready to go as well.